I’m still finding creative ways to finish off all the pumpkin beer I have left over from my beer tasting. I came across a great idea at Indy Beers. These guys reviewed 3 beers that make good beer floats. One of the brews, Young’s Double Chocolate, I had recently tried and felt it tasted like a chocolate shake right out of the can. But I was more intrigued by the opportunity of combining pumpkin ice cream with Dogfish Head Punkin Ale.
My wife was nice enough to buy Edy’s Pumpkin Ice Cream after receiving a last minute call while at the grocery store. Edy’s has a smooth texture and is not over the top with sweetness like some other brands.
The Dogfish Head Punkin has a spicy, nutmeg character with a nice bitter bite at the end. Not knowing if there is a protocol to making a float, I added the ice cream to the glass first. Upon adding the beer, it foamed up nicely just like a root beer float. The beer took on creamsicle tint when mixed with the melting ice cream.
My wife recommended I use a straw in order to bypass all the foam. First sip: heaven. Talk about dessert beer. The smooth texture of the ice cream mellowed out the bite of the ale just enough to make it one of the best things I’ve ever tasted. I really think I could have drunk a whole six pack this way. However, that would have moved me from the category of self-indulgent to just plain nuts.
I settled on slurping the last bit of foam up with my straw and wondering where I put the rest of that chocolate stout . . .
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