Monday, September 26, 2011

21st Ammendment's Hell or High Watermelon and Prohibition on PBS

The warm weather is continuing into late Sept here in New York.  This gave me one more opportunity to indulge in some fruit beers before they go into hibernation for the cold months.  So, to a recent house party, I brought a bunch of these sweet brews hoping to introduce some friends to my fruit passion.  I arranged them in a plastic tub of ice with six packs taped to the sides hoping that the colorful cartons might entice people to give them a try . 
I chose some of my favorites: Ithaca Apricot Wheat, Blue Point Blueberry Ale, Sea Dog Raspberry and Hell or High Watermelon.  The tub was positioned between a tub of Carona and one with Bud Lite. I figured that next to these standard summer beers my unusual brews would be passed over.  To my surprise, out of 24 beers there were only about 3 or 4 remaining at the end of the night.  I gave myself a pat on the back for the effective advertising and for widening the horizons of my beer drinking friends. 
One of my favorites was the watermelon ale. Brewed by 21st Amendment Brewery in San Francisco,  this wheat beer pours a pale gold and leaves a nice head that dissipates quickly like a lager.  It has just the faintest fruit scent and tastes wheaty with a hint of melon upon swallowing.  As it warms, more of the melon flavor is evident.  This beer is light and drinkable.  I can definitely see myself downing several of these babies on a hot summer day. 
Speaking of the 21st Ammendment . . . There is going to be a Ken Burns documentary on PBS about Prohibition from Oct 2-4 starting at 8 pm.  You can watch a sneak preview here. Please let us know what you think of the show.

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